Featured image for “In Conversation with Brazil’s Environment Minister Marina Silva”

July 25, 2024

In Conversation with Brazil’s Environment Minister Marina Silva

Plant-for-the-Planet at the F20 Climate Solutions Forum 2024 In early June, the F20 Climate Solutions Forum 2024 took ...

Featured image for “Back to the Roots: How Felix, Alina and Elly Inspire the Next Generation to Climate Justice at the Solutionary Summit”

July 16, 2024

Back to the Roots: How Felix, Alina and Elly Inspire the Next Generation to Climate Justice at the Solutionary Summit

From 23 to 25 May, eighth graders from Munich International School (MIS) organized a Solutionary Summit aimed at ...

Featured image for “The Future in Young Hands: Report from the Future Camp in Wolfsburg”

July 16, 2024

The Future in Young Hands: Report from the Future Camp in Wolfsburg

Using the hashtag #ProjektErde (English: #ProjectEarth), the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the city of ...

Featured image for “The Ambassador Awards Project ”

July 4, 2024

The Ambassador Awards Project 

We are excited to announce the launch of the first ever Plant-for-the-Planet Ambassador Awards, a new initiative by ...

Featured image for “Plant-for-the-Planet Delegation at COP 28”

January 3, 2024

Plant-for-the-Planet Delegation at COP 28

Jule Schnakenberg, long-time Climate Justice Ambassador and Plant-for-the-Planet employee, reports on her impressions of COP 28 in Dubai. ...

Featured image for “Youth Fights for Climate Justice – 9th International Youth Summit in Frankfurt a. M.”

December 21, 2023

Youth Fights for Climate Justice – 9th International Youth Summit in Frankfurt a. M.

The 9th International Youth Summit organized by Plant-for-the-Planet recently took place at the Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt, marking a ...

Featured image for “World Climate Conference COP 28: Expectations of Our Delegation”

November 14, 2023

World Climate Conference COP 28: Expectations of Our Delegation

The annual UN climate conference (COP – Conference of the Parties) stands as a significant global forum, intended ...

Featured image for “Podcast episode of the European Energy Efficiency Fund with our Climate Justice Ambassador Johann”

June 27, 2023

Podcast episode of the European Energy Efficiency Fund with our Climate Justice Ambassador Johann

The global climate crisis is a defining issue of our time and especially the younger generations will have ...