Our Global Board is one essential part of Plant-for-the-Planet’s democratic structure and it’s elected once a year. We are very happy to welcome 12 young and enthusiastic Climate Justice Ambassadors from all around the world as members of our Global Board 2021/2022!
What is the Global Board?
The Global Board is a democratically elected body with representatives from all regions around the globe and is implemented for a period of one year. The goal of the Global Board is to represent the generations of our ambassadors in certain organisation-wide decisions. Global Board members work hand in hand to grow our worldwide community and create new initiatives or projects that can have a global impact.
Through their engagement, they raise further awareness amongst children and adults about the issues of the climate crisis and global justice and empower the younger generations to start their own clubs, host local activities and plant trees. The Global Board is mandated to charter all Plant-for-the-Planet clubs, monitor their progress and provide guidance in the implementation of their activities. The members and especially the Global Board president represent Plant-for-the-Planet through speeches, press conferences, press releases and public statements.
Get to know our new members:
The Global Board consists of several positions, which include a Chair and Vice Chair (must be over 18 years), and a President and Vice President (may be under 18 years).
Chair: Christopher Anulunko (Nigeria)
Responsibilities include:
- Chairing the Global Board and General Assembly meetings
Vice-Chair & Treasurer: Johann Eickenbrock (Germany)
Responsibilities include:
- Assist the Chair in his tasks and represent when he is incapacitated
- The treasurer is legally responsible for the finances of the Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative e.V.
Temporary Secretary: Yugratna Srivastava (India)
The role of the Secretary is likely the most demanding of the Board. Responsibilities include:
- Establishing agendas and writing minutes for all Global Board and General Assembly meetings and making those available
Assistant Secretary: Jinalee Randeniarachchi (Sri Lanka)
Global Board President: Kate Chakravarty (Switzerland)
Responsibilities include:
- Representing Plant-for-the-Planet to the outside world through speeches, press conferences, press releases and public statements
Vice-Presidents: Huirong Yang (Sri Lanka), Jinalee Randeniarachchi (India), Elena Bouldin (United States), Miku Higashi (Australia)
Responsibilities include:
- Assist the President in her tasks and represent when she is incapacitated
Further members:
Muskan Dhariyal (India)
Akshit Kumar (India)
Ismael Balde (Guinea)
Douabou Jean Baptiste (Ivory Coast)
The Board may choose to assign other board members to specific tasks during their tenure.
We can’t wait for the new Board members to lead an important exchange, engage with other young and inspiring people and also share their local experience on environmental issues to incorporate the best ideas of ecosystem restoration and work towards a sustainable future as well as fighting for climate justice.
Their first meeting takes place on December 12th where Climate Justice Ambassadors from all over the world have the chance to meet the new members, ask any questions and share their ideas and plans for 2022.