Decisionmakers, civil society activists, policymakers and negotiators from all over the world gathered in Glasgow from October 31 – November 13 (one day longer than intended) determined to meet one clear goal: to finally get on track towards the 1.5 degree target and to accelerate actions along this path in order to still avert the worst consequences of the climate crisis.
For several years now, we have had the unique opportunity to send delegates to the UN Climate Change Conferences.
Every year they take place at a different location, but each year we arrive with the same goal: CLIMATE JUSTICE. We do this by spreading the word about our work at Plant-for-the-Planet, networking with like-minded organizations, fellow youth activists, listening and actively participating in side-events and panel discussions.
Most COP delegates will probably know us for a different reason: the CHANGE CHOCOLATE. Every morning, we stand by the entrance and deliver a sweet but compelling message to those negotiating on climate action. During the long days at the conference, negotiators open the chocolate and read the message from children and youth from Plant-for-the-Planet. We hope that this can inspire decisionmakers and remind them of what is at stake. Over the years, we have managed to grow a significant community of fans and supporters at COP that eagerly and happily wait for us in the morning, take pictures and invite us to visit their events and pavilions.
Feeling lost because a lot has been written about COP26? Our amazing colleague from Plant-for-the-Planet Brasil (Official) Luciano explains in less than 120 seconds what #COP26 is all about. Watch now
So, what happened and what did we do?
Our Climate Justice Ambassador Cristina was one of our several delegates at COP26 in Glasgow, advocating for our mission to create a climate juste future for everyone on this planet.
In this video, Cristina summarizes what our engagement at the Climate Change Conference of the Parties was all about. The most important conclusion is definitely: IT’S TIME TO ACT NOW!
And here are a few impressions from our time in Glasgow:
So start taking action, for example by donating trees via our platform or by supporting children and young people in their fight for their future.
Find out more on our website: https://a.plant-for-the-planet.org/
Our ambassadors left Glasgow disappointed by the outcome, but inspired and motivated to return to their respective communities and advocate for radically inclusive climate justice, youth empowerment and ecosystem restoration.
Please find here a mix of media pieces that feature some of our COP delegates:
Simon and Paulina
Photos offered by: https://www.instagram.com/leoholldack/ – Thank you!