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European University awarded us children

Shanisse (14), president 2012/13 and Felix (14) president 2011/12 accepted the prize in the name of all Plant-for-the-Planet children. The prize was awarded at the graduation ceremony of 150 students in the “Bayerischer Hof” on 9 June 2012. Felix called on the young leaders to “Become role models for sustainability, no matter in which area you will be working in the future”.

Shanisse told the graduates “The adults have been talking about sustainability for 20 years – longer than we are old.
Everything that Severn Suzuki – aged 14 – told in Rio 20 years ago is still valid today. Every single word. We could just repeat her speech today at Rio+20. But there’s also a ray of hope in this sad detection: It took Severn’s video 20 years to reach 20 million clicks on Youtube, but today it takes us only 2 days to reach 20 million people with a powerful video”.

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