Featured image for “The Future in Young Hands: Report from the Future Camp in Wolfsburg”

July 16, 2024

The Future in Young Hands: Report from the Future Camp in Wolfsburg

Using the hashtag #ProjektErde (English: #ProjectEarth), the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the city of ...

Featured image for “Seeds of Transformation: Tamara Cibulkova’s insights on community-based forest restoration with Plant-for-Ghana”

February 29, 2024

Seeds of Transformation: Tamara Cibulkova’s insights on community-based forest restoration with Plant-for-Ghana

Dive into our insightful interview featuring Tamara Cibulkova, project manager at Plant-for-the-Planet Czech Republic – in this interview, ...

Featured image for “Youth Fights for Climate Justice – 9th International Youth Summit in Frankfurt a. M.”

December 21, 2023

Youth Fights for Climate Justice – 9th International Youth Summit in Frankfurt a. M.

The 9th International Youth Summit organized by Plant-for-the-Planet recently took place at the Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt, marking a ...

Featured image for ““Much more than just planting trees” – Arnes insight in Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana”

December 1, 2023

“Much more than just planting trees” – Arnes insight in Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana

In June 2023, Arne Feldmann, a 20-year-old from Emsbüren, had the opportunity to visit Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana in the ...

Featured image for “Planting Hope for a Greener Future in Nigeria: Empowering Young Climate Justice Ambassadors”

July 28, 2023

Planting Hope for a Greener Future in Nigeria: Empowering Young Climate Justice Ambassadors

Chris Anulunkor, a long-time Climate Justice Ambassador for Plant-for-the-Planet and chief moderator of the workshop, reports from the ...

Featured image for “Planting trees in existing forests? Why Enrichment Planting makes sense and promotes biodiversity!”

July 27, 2023

Planting trees in existing forests? Why Enrichment Planting makes sense and promotes biodiversity!

Planting trees in a forest? Restoring forests where they already exist and are protected? Admittedly, that sounds contradictory ...

Featured image for “Podcast episode of the European Energy Efficiency Fund with our Climate Justice Ambassador Johann”

June 27, 2023

Podcast episode of the European Energy Efficiency Fund with our Climate Justice Ambassador Johann

The global climate crisis is a defining issue of our time and especially the younger generations will have ...

Featured image for “UN Climate Conference in Bonn: Plant-for-the-Planet on side-event on youth engagement”

June 20, 2023

UN Climate Conference in Bonn: Plant-for-the-Planet on side-event on youth engagement

On Saturday, 10 June 2023, Plant-for-the-Planet partnered up on a side event at the UNFCCC in Bonn titled  ...

Featured image for “The IPCC synthesis report demands: We must restore and protect our forest ecosystems now!”

March 22, 2023

The IPCC synthesis report demands: We must restore and protect our forest ecosystems now!

António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, calls the IPCC synthesis report nothing less than a “survival ...

Featured image for “Fires on the Yucatán Peninsula during dry season – under control thanks to effective management”

March 14, 2023

Fires on the Yucatán Peninsula during dry season – under control thanks to effective management

Fires have occurred this week at Las Américas 1 and Las Américas 11. None of our trees have ...

Featured image for “Plant-for-the-Planet Italia has taken root in Tregnago, a municipality close to Verona”

March 3, 2023

Plant-for-the-Planet Italia has taken root in Tregnago, a municipality close to Verona

Last weekend, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed that aims to empower young people in the region to ...

Featured image for “Delegation from Plant-for-the-Planet at the COP15 in Montréal, Canada”

December 23, 2022

Delegation from Plant-for-the-Planet at the COP15 in Montréal, Canada

The 15th Conference of Parties for biodiversity meeting takes place in Canada’s lovely French city of Montréal from ...

Featured image for “New member for our Educational Advisory Board: Waldo Soto Bruna”

December 22, 2022

New member for our Educational Advisory Board: Waldo Soto Bruna

We are very happy to welcome a new member to our Educational Advisory Board: Waldo Soto Bruna. Among ...

Featured image for “<strong>This is our Global Board 2022/2023</strong>”

December 21, 2022

This is our Global Board 2022/2023

The Global Board is one essential part of Plant-for-the-Planet’s democratic structure and it’s elected once a year. We ...

Featured image for “Plant-for-the-Planet Platform: Who decides who gets to join?”

December 4, 2022

Plant-for-the-Planet Platform: Who decides who gets to join?

Many of the updates and changes we make are immediately visible on the platform, and you can spot ...