November 2, 2007

Growing support in Germany

News from the Plant-for-the-Planet-Initiative ...

September 21, 2007

Youth plant at the Tunza International Youth Conference

News from the Campaign ...

August 29, 2007

A success story: The student initiative Plant-for-the-Planet

– Toyota supports the students – TUNZA international youth conference ...

July 19, 2007

Green News from Plant-for-the-Planet

Help us and became ative ...

June 16, 2007

June 2007: A sustainable goodbye gesture at the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium in Munich

Before they finally leave school, the Geographie students greened their campus together with their teacher Edwin Busl. ...

June 11, 2007

June 2007: Plant-for-the-Planet at the Protestant Churchday in Cologne

Young and old were interested in the information of the Plant-for-the-Planet booth. ...

May 23, 2007

Rooting for Plant-for-the-Planet

42 German schools participate in the Plant-for-the-Planet network. Yesterday, the initiative was introduced by regional schools in the ...

May 13, 2007

May 2007: The Herzog-Ernst-Gymnasium in Ülzen/Germany places first in the Plant-for-the-Planet Ranking

Congratulations for planting 5800 trees! ...

May 11, 2007

May 2007: The Hulda-Pangkok Gesamtschule introduces itself:

We have been doing forestry projects since 11 years ...

May 2, 2007

Plant-for-the-Planet strikes more roots

The student initiative is inspirational: It is a chance to raise global conciousness by personal action. ...

April 11, 2007

April 2007: The Ringeisen Gymnasium joins Plant-for-the-Planet

Planting 900 trees during one morning ...

April 11, 2007

April 2007: The ecological primary school Longkamp plants 38 trees.

Students of the 1st and 2nd grade replaced their indoor lesson with an outdoor one. ...

March 13, 2007

March 2007: Hands-on-Packing Session

this website is now online ...

March 13, 2007

March 2007: The ground breaking for a better future

While the sun was shining on March 28th the Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative has been officially launched. ...