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January 31, 2012

Future Fee – 0.1 Thousandth for our Future

We children started with our favourite industry – the chocolate and confectionary sector. In Düsseldorf in May 2011 and at the confectionary trade association, Sweets Global Network’s New Year reception on 6th January 2012 in Munich, Felix presented the idea of the Future Fee and called for voluntary donations of one Euro per ton of chocolate products of sweets, or 0.1 thousandth of the company’s annual turnover. With this, we want to empower other children at academies and plant trees.

During the first try on 16th May 2011 was a flop and Felix was very disappointed, on 6th January 2012 Felix aroused great enthusiasm. The 300-strong audience showed their appreciation with a standing ovation and spontaneously 10 producers committed to the Future Fee and to therefore support the children’s work: the companies of Bahlsen, Becks Cocoa, Brandt, Bühler, Choclats Halba, Chocri, Trolli, Heilemann, Pit Hoffmann, Sweet Tec und S&R Vertrieb.


With the slogan “Chocolate used to be brown. Let’s make it green”, the proposal applies to the first step aimed at the sweets industry, but the Future Fee is also transferable to just about every other industry. By paying a “Future Fee” on their products, companies enable the children to campaign for sustainability and plant trees.


You can find more information on our website

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