Help our planting partners to plant even more in 2013 by making a tree donation today.
Whenever Plant-for-the-Planet partners with organizations planting trees we seek assurances from independent third-parties that the planting is taking place as agreed and that steps are taken to ensure the survival of the trees planted. This forms part of the agreement that we enter into with our planting partners. We recently received an independent report from The Malaysian Nature Society confirming the planting of 440,000 Saplings in Malaysia. Our planting partner in Malaysia is Mr Kalaimani Supramaniam.
In delivering their reports, The Malaysian Nature Society had the following to say:
“The children were happily taking part in planting the saplings as their contribution to Mother Earth. I also noticed that Mr. Kalaimani Supranamiam have built a very big good networking of children and adults in the planting programme”
“The planted saplings are growing very well”
“I do hope that more such activities can be conducted here or at other potential places with the guidance of Mr. Kalaimani Supramaniam. He has done a remarkable job promoting tree planting campaign”
Mr Kalaimani Supramaniam’s tree-planting is only possible thanks to the donations made to Plant-for-the-Planet by our supporters, and The Malaysian Nature Society noted that, “…the place that they are planting the trees, a few hundred thousands of trees can still be planted in a huge area.” This will only be possible with your continued support.
Please help the children of Plant-for-the-Planet and our planting partners to reach the goal of planting 1,000 billion trees by 2020. Remember, for every 1 Euro you donate, or every 5 bars of the “change chocolate” (where available) that you buy, 1 tree will be planted. You can donate here.
Thank you to Kalaimani Supramaniam and to all our past, present and future planting partners.