![Featured image for “Ambassadors Speak Up for Their Future”](https://blog.plant-for-the-planet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/33.jpg)
Watch Seattle’s newest Ambassadors introduce Plant-for-the-Planet to Seattle City Council’s Energy & Environment Committee before getting down to business. In their first public appearance since Seattle’s first Acadmey in May this year, eight Ambassadors gave the Plant-for-the-Planet presentation but with extra special information for Seattle City Council. And then they make some big requests!
They told the Committee how many trees Seattle residents need to plant by 2020 to help us buy time and absorb excess CO2 this century, (hint: it’s a lot!) and some ideas for how to get started.
How did the Council respond? Well, find out in the 20-minute Q & A following the presentation! The presentation and Q & A session were filmed in full for Seattle’s public access station, The Seattle Channel. The children introduce themselves on the 42 minute mark, so please jump to this point on the video. They start their presentation fully at 46 minutes followed by a Question and Answer session from 66 minutes.
The Committee even pose for some “Stop talking.Start Planting.” pictures after the Academy, which they quickly loaded up to the Council’s own Facebook page.