On 28th July 2013, an Academy was held at the bilingual school at the software park in Dalian in northeastern China. It was organized by Blue Dalian, a small local environmental NGO in collaboration with the teacher, Ms. Wang, who is very active and wants to evoke the Plant-for-the-Planet spirit in their students. A group of university students supported the Academy as volunteers. The Plant-for-the-Planet presentation was given by eight students who had prepared for it in record time: less than 24 hours. But even this short time was enough to instill in them the belief that climate justice is would benefit all of their classmates. And so, several students succeeded won over whole classes to make the ambassador pledge and to take part in the action planning . Two hibiscus bushes were planted in front of the school entrance as a sign of climate justice. Since many of the new Ambassadors in Dalian speak English very well and are very interested in international exchanges, we would like to repeat here our call for Ambassador penpals. If you are interested, please send an email with your name, age and language(s), using the subject line “Correspondence” to: [email protected].