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January 24, 2013

The only child in the UNEP

She’s 12 years old, won a UN award, was the youngest delegate in Rio+20  and is engaging for Plant-for-the-Planet – Kehkashan Basu. Being an eco-warrior is something Kehkashan is taking very seriously. “Being born on World Environment Day, I feel that I am pre-ordained to be an eco-warrior. My objective is to take a leadership role in spreading awareness about conservation in my school and community and also be a role model by practicing the tenets of conservation” , Kehkashan says.
She has a three-page list of achievements, ecological groups she is a member of and conferences she has attended. “While attend­ing Rio +20, I was appointed as a Climate Justice Ambassador by Plant for the Pla­net as I planted two saplings at the venue.”

This picture was taken at the first academy in Dubai, organized by Kehkashan!

 At last she was nominated by TakingITGlobal for a position in the UNEP Major Groups Facilitating Committee. Formerly known as the “Global Civil Society Steering Committee”, the Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC)is a committee consisting of eighteen people, two members per major group. The committee also has twelve observers, two elected by each of the six Regional Consultative Meetings. Eighteen major groups representatives are appointed every two years after email consultation and online bidding process, two from each of  nine major groups: Farmers, Women, the Scientific and Technological Community, Children and Youth…
Congratulations to Kehkashan, she was voted! Now she is the only child in the UNEP Major Groups Facilitating Committee!

Kehkashan’s documentary Plant-for-the-Planet in UAE:

This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact media@plant-for-the-planet.org