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September 4, 2016

Becoming an Ambassador for Climate Justice outside in the forest!

The excited students arrived at the central camp area for the Academy, near the fire pit, were greeted by the ambassadors and then made themselves comfortable to listen to the presentation. Pam started introducing Plant-for-the-Planet and Miko, Isaac, Joel, Sarah, and Ethan gave the presentation “How we children save the world”

Then, we took a break and enjoyed a healthy snack.

We laid out a blanket on the forest floor and played the World Game, using old pearl-like beads to represent carbon, and large and small shells to represent people and wealth. The students were impressed by the unfair distribution of wealth and CO2-emissions on our planet.
Then, we turned to Rhetoric Practice and discussed what makes a speech effective and gave out the slides with the presenters-notes so students could practice giving small parts of the talk, in preparation for the afternoon-presentation. We sat around the main camp working on the slides with the help of volunteers and Ambassadors. Pam worked with the students to help each decide who would present which slides in the afternoon. We shared lunch with other members of Bark's Basecamp. All enjoyed the delicious sandwiches, chips, salsa, and other things that Bark’s team provided.

After lunch, we went down a trail not far from the pit toilets that Bark volunteers had provided to a beautiful part of a trail with a fallen tree besides the path. All the students and Ambassadors got onto the log in order they would present and started practicing. It was great! And showed everyone the beauty of nature we are fighting for!
After that, we went back into camp and got ready for the afternoon slideshow. All the students presented with current Ambassadors helping out as well. Several people who were there at Basecamp attended the final presentation and were impressed by the students and their newly gained knowledge. Afterwards Students received their appointments as Climate Justice Ambassadors, along with certificates, the books Tree by Tree, and Everything Would Be Alright.

Then, we joined Mukti and Julio on the blanket, and they gave their impressions of the work the students had done, and told them about what they were experiencing in their home countries of Bangladesh and Haiti, and how vital this work is all over the planet to preserve nature and for surviving in the places endangered by the climate crisis.

We would like to thank all those involved in this wonderful Academy. Everyone agreed that Miko, Isaac, Sarah, Joel, and Ethan did an awesome job leading the Academy together with Pam. Special thanks to Courtney, Mukti, Julio, Erin, Jane, and Todd and to the generous support of community volunteers who volunteered at the Academy and in other ways. We deeply appreciate the kind donation by Bark of its beautiful and welcoming Basecamp 2016 spaces.

You can see all the photos on our Flickr site!

You want to join an Academy?
Upcoming Academies will be announced on the Plant-for-the-Planet website and at our local site: ClimateChangeRecovery.org.


This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]