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November 2, 2017

Climate Justice Ambassadors at COP23 in Bonn

Delegates from all over the world meet in Bonn to negotiate on future climate actions.

That’s our Program for the Climate Conference – be part of it!

Friday, Nov 3

At the COY, the Conference of Youth, we'll give insights into a save and clean energy future fueled by the sun. Afterwards, Felix will share with us how great wood is. Wanna join in? We'll live-stream both lectures. Later, we'll upload the videos on Youtube. Follow us on Facebook to stay updated!

Saturday, Nov 4

Join us on November 4th in Bonn to protest against coal and raise your voice for climate justice. If you can't come to Bonn, please share our live-content via Twitter and Instagram!

Sunday, Nov 5 to Friday, Nov 17

With various trainings, we'll improve our skills, develop new action plans and fight for our future. And, of course, we'll give the Change Chocolate to the delegates at the COP23. It's a sweet invitation to save our future.

This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]