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April 24, 2017

The Billion-Acts Hero Award

In April 2016 Plant-for-the-planet got added to Billion acts Campaign, which itself is a Peacejam initiative lead by 13 Nobel Prize Laureates, including the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond tutu and other people who actively inspire everyday people and organizations to address important issues in their community in various Focus Areas. The goal of the Billion Acts campaign is to create One Billion Acts of Peace worldwide by 2019, and in doing so inspire peacemakers, community leaders and individuals to join the cause and take an active role in changing the world- one Act of Peace at a time.

We got chosen out of 8 Million acts of Peace, to enter the Finals for The Heroes Award. All the participants gain a massive amount of global attention for their Work and the winners will personally receive their prestigious Hero Award from Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and former President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez, in Monte Carlo on June 18th, 2017. We do our best to gather as many votes as possible until May 17th, to win this award.

If you want to participate in this competition on our side, feel free to support us with your daily votes on the website: https://www.billionacts.org/hero-awards-voting

We are very grateful for your amazing support.



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