The academy took place on 25th of September 2017 in Gdańsk, Poland. It was attended by 44 kids from two different classes of the school number 39. Emilia Mekok the main moderator, large representation from sponsoring company – Staples, and Kasia Kozak a program coordinator supported the academy as a team.
In the beginning the kids were given their T-shirts and Katarzyna warmly welcomed everybody. Then the day started with the morning presentation „Stop talking, start planting” and so the kids discussed about the climate change aspects and of course exchanged all information about CO2, the greenhouse effect and the environmental problems it causes.
After the presentation the kids were split into 3 teams and did the world-game. All the children were much focused, curious about the game and actively participated in it. They used the knowledge gained during the morning presentation to understand climate justice and the climate-change-CO² emissions.
Then it was time to move into the backyard of the school where Staples organized trees and the children planted 17 trees. This was a very unusual and great experience to the children. Every single kid wanted to dig in the ground and plant tree himself.
After that they returned to the gym hall and had a short lunch. Afterwards the children were divided into three groups in which they created the to-do-posters of the world-cafe.
At the end of the day children presented their posters and ideas about activities they planned to save the world and helping reducing the CO² by planting trees and other activities. They used the information not only from the morning presentation but also they show creativity when it comes to environmental issues, tree planting and transferring knowledge to their friends and family members.
The whole Academy was possible thanks to the great support of the sponsor, Staples, and number of people from Staples that joined, helping in organization, presentations and even digging.
The Academy was a big success. The program coordinator Kasia Kozak was very happy that she could be a part of it.
You can find more fotos here.