On October 27th, 2018, 350 Salem OR partnered with Salem Environmental Education, Pringle Creek Sustainable Living Center, the South East Salem Neighborhood Association and Willamette Valley Music to present the second Plant for the Planet Academy at Painter Hall in Pringle Creek Community. Thirteen students (4th through 12th grade) from 6 different area schools, 5 Climate Justice Ambassadors and 9 adult volunteers gathered for a full day Academy to learn about the science of climate change, the issue of climate justice and the need to plant trees around the world to address these critical issues. We also welcomed Mayor Chuck Bennett who came to speak and encourage the students.
It was a wonderful day! Even the weather cooperated as we planted five fruit trees in the Pringle Creek Community orchard.
The Academy, however, was just the beginning! Every month thereafter, Salem Plant for the Planet will continue with various activities, beginning with:
November: Two Ambassadors plant trees with Friends of Trees in Cascades Gateway Park.
For more pictures of the event, please click here! And if you want to become a Climate Justice Ambassador, you can apply at the following webpage.