Plant and protect 1000 billion trees together – thirty high-ranking representatives from business, politics and civil society announced this goal last Friday. They all signed the Trillion Tree Declaration.
Together with Prince Albert II of Monaco Felix was the first to sign the declaration.
The list of signatories is impressive. Patricia Espinosa, Secretary General of the UNFCCC, signed it as well as Alfred Ritter (Ritter Sport). We were especially honored by the support of the Gyalwang Drukpa, who was guest of honor at the PlantAhead launch event in Monaco, has given his own pledge to plant the trees: "I am pleased to announce 1 million trees in a very short time with my friends, my students and the people of the world." The Gyalwang Drukpa is the head of the Drukpa Lineage, one of the most influential schools of Buddhism in the Himalayas and a dedicated environmental and animal rights activist.
All Signatories:
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco
The Gyalwang Drukpa
Felix Finkbeiner
Alfred Ritter, Anabel Ternès, Brahmacharini Dipamrita Chairanya, Christian Kroll, David Gadsden, Dorothea Sick-Thies, Franz Josef Radermacher, Frithjof Finkbeiner, H. E. Bernard Faultrier, H. E. Marine De Carne De Trecesson, Hans Sigl, Herman Waterkamp, Hubert de Scholemer, Josep Santacreu, Marcelo Furtado, Matt Harris, Michael Durach, Morton Rossé, Patricia Espinosa, Patricia Zurita, Philipp Schoeller, Raul Negrete, Roberto Waack, Sagar Aryal, Tom Crowther, Tom Evans, Will Asley Contello, Yugratna Srivastava
In the afternoon, Felix, Yugratna, Paulina and Sagar, on behalf of all Climate Justice Ambassadors, delivered the Trillion Tree Declaration on stage at the Grimaldi Forum in front of 500 guests at the PlantAhead conference.
Anyone can join us. Simply set a personal tree goal. How many trees do you promise to plant in the course of your life?