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A fruitful Academy in Bouaflé!

On Saturday 04/05/2019, an Academy held in Bouaflé, with participating children aged 9 to 15 years, from several school of primary and secondary school. Bouaflé is the the chief town of region grouping the departments of Zuenoula and Sinfra. This region is one of the cocoa producing, unfortunately suffering from climate change.

This Academy was held thank to local school board and the local commitee of organisation.

The Academy started with a world of welcome from the head of the host school. Mr Rabée Florent, then the regional Director of National Education Miss Alexise Gouero and then the coordinator Mr Zokou Hervé. Now all the children’s attention was focused on the sujet «Now we children save the world» resented by Mr Kouamé. On the theme as the source of C02, photosynthesis, Climat Crisis, the climate refugees, and the greenhouse gases effect. These topics were the comprehensively addresed. The children applauded with joy. After that they have had time to ask their concern.

For the following part the children divided into small groups to learn about distribution and Global Justice in the World Game. Kids were given the tokens, sweets and ballons among the continents diplayed on the world map. The three paying figures symbolizing the world’s population, weath and CO2 emissions respectively. All the children agreed that the distribution, was unfair. Some less populated countries had almost a quarter of the world weath and have a very huge polluting rate.

After a lunch break, the children, had the opportunity to plant some trees in the presence of the foresters who gave some useful advices on the pluviometry and the quality of soil. They gave some information on the benefits of some tree species, how to plant them and how to take care of them. More than 50 trees have been planted in total.

In the work groups the children in the classroom gave their point of view in the follow question: «How to organize a planting party», «How to organize a Plant-For-The-Plant Club», «How to motive freind friends and parents».

After that the children proceded to the presentation of their works in the presence of guest, the local press and parents.
At the end of the ceremony thy receved diplomas, tee-shirts and books Tree By Tree. Then all the groups agreed to create a Plant-For-The-Planet Club in a short time.

70 children received certificates ,books and tee shits recogniziing them as Climate Justice Ambassadors. Some parent who came to support their children were very proud of them

Thanks goes to the principal of the school for and the children parents. We don’t forget the guests and of course the coordinator and Plant-For-The-Planet team who provided the material.

This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]