For the first time ever, some of the best community-led tree planting projects from 20+ countries have come together to deliver a massive boost to the world’s reforestation efforts. Now, with the Plant-for-the-Planet App, everyone can plant trees worldwide with just a few clicks. 100 per cent of the money raised goes directly to the tree planters.
Greta Thunberg said: “It is simple. We need to protect, restore and fund nature.” The new Plant for the Planet App allows you to do just that. For just €3, you can plant a tree in Brazil. For just €100, you can plant 1,000 trees and help restore the landscape of Indonesia.
You don’t have a sapling at hand? Or want to avoid getting dirt under your fingernails? The Plant-for-the-Planet App is your way to help nature recover by selecting from 50 hand-selected reforestation projects from developing countries. The benefits of tree planting are not just for nature, they are also a vital source of income for poor communities. Many more projects are coming.
Just select your favourite project. Donate. The trees are planted for you. No excuses. Each tree adds to the World Tree Counter.
“Wide-spread restoration requires us to reach out to large numbers of people, cost-effectively and quickly. Apps like Trillion Trees can go a long way in boosting nature-based solutions for climate action, livelihoods and sustainability.”
– Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP
The Plant-for-the-Planet App is available for Android and iOS or as a WebApp.
Plant Your Own Forest
The app also allows you to:
• See where all your donated trees were planted
• Register trees you’ve planted yourself with photos, locations and more
• Gift donated trees to others
• Start a tree planting competition among schools, with colleagues or friends
• See our new “Forbes List” – ranking people by planted trees!
and more…
Who’s Behind This?
The app was built over two years by seven young people from Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation under the leadership of Sagar Aryal (24), who has been planting trees with Plant-for-the-Planet for over 10 years, as one of 81,000 children and youth from 73 countries.
The Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation aimed to plant 100 million trees by 2030 through their project in the Yucatan-Peninsula. But they realised that 10,000 projects of that size are necessary to restore a trillion trees, and therefore decided to focus on sharing their tools with a multitude of other projects to help them scale up their work – that’s what this app is about. There are no fees or costs for donors, tree-planting NGOs or anyone else. This app helps to implement the excellent goals of the Bonn Challenge – a global effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030 – by creating a positive chain reaction. More than 10,000 people signed up to the app in the development phase.
This project could not have happened without the advice, guidance and support of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
“With the late Wangari Maathai in mind, I’ve poured all my heart and soul into this app for the past two years. I hope she would be happy and proud of us”
– Sagar Aryal (24), lead developer.
What’s Next?
In version 2.0 we will allow users to watch the donated forests grow with satellite images. Stay tuned!