We, the Global Board of Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative, are super excited to be writing to you this time.
The last time the board interacted with clubs was at the 2019 Youth Summit in Bonn but have since decided to have regular engagements with the Plant-for-the-Planet clubs globally.
In the light of this, we are very pleased to invite you to a Plant-for-the-Planet Clubs Call for all the members our clubs globally.
The aim of this call is to bring the clubs together to understand your inner workings, successes, challenges and areas where support is needed for improvement. It is also hoped that it will help the networking and bonding among club members globally and club to club collaboration.
We would love to also hear about your activities and on going projects as well as to brainstorm on new ways and ideas to keep advocating locally for our cause, a better world for all of us.
Below are the details of the call:
Date: 2 August, 2020
Time: 5 pm UTC
Link to Registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvd-iorTkjHdAisRFnzRz26xFyRg96Xr22
We are absolutely buzzing to see you on the call. It will be a great experience mixed with work and some exciting activities. Don't miss it!
Kind regards,
Plant-for-the-Planet Global Board 19' – 20'