On May 28, 2021, the newly established Restoration Supervision Expert Board was constituted. Virtual, not only because of the Corona pandemic, but also because of the international composition. The members are:
Dr. Pilar Gómez-Ruiz from the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen in Mexico, expert in tropical ecosystem restoration, Dr. Rakan A. Zahawi from the University of Hawai, expert on cost-effective reforestation strategies for degraded forests,Dr. Joachim Hamberger from the Technical University of Munich, expert in science communication, as well as Joachim Elsässer, BDI, as representative for cooperation with Mexico
This prominent advisory body on forest restoration and forestry contributes with specialised knowledge to make our work in restoring the forests on the Yucatán Peninsula even better and more sustainable, both in practical and strategic implementation.
At the first meeting, they discussed with Dr. Leland Werden (Director Science, Plant-for-the-Planet) and Dr. Anna Carbonell (Restoration Manager, Plant-for-the-Planet) the preliminary plans for the 2021 planting season, which will begin when the rainy season starts around July. The feedback on our restoration plans was excellent and very supportive of our strategic approach. We will integrate their suggestions into our plans in the next 2 weeks, after which the Board will give its approval.
Our detailed and final approved restoration plan will then be available on the website for all to see.