Academy Report, 11.02.2021 – Dieue-Sur-Meuse
On Thursday 11th of February 2021 took place our first Plant-for-the-Planet online Academy in Ecole Primaire Publique in Dieu-Sur-Meuse, France!
This time, however, something different as we are used to – all children (divided into three classes) were waiting for the start of the Zoom conference with our French-speaking Moderator Emilia and our Climate Justice Ambassador from Heimenkirch – Magdalena, who bravely agreed to hold a presentation in the French language!
Little by little the children got together, teachers from Primare Publique school distributed T-shirts and the Academy could begin. We started with a small welcome word from Emilia and representatives from Academy sponsor Fromagerie Henri Hutin Sarl, Hochland Group. After a short introduction and energizer game, we went straight into the topic, Magdalena told us what the climate crisis is, what the term “CO2” stands for and what causes it. After that part – children on the other side of the screen have the chance to ask their questions to Emilia and Magdalena.
After that we did a little quiz – every child got the printed test-questions and got some time for reflection. After time was over – Emilia shared the quiz answers with everyone. Children solved it almost flawless!

Now on the agenda was the next part of the Magdalena short talk! She explained what Plant-for-the-Planet is staying for and what we want to achieve. After this part another intensive discussion session took part. Emilia took the word and explained the message behind our new Stop talking. Start planting campaign and to prove how simple to participate in it – we took a group photo! Before the start of the Academy – we asked all children to prepare a tree leaf for this photo. As winter just finished in France and there were not so many leaves on trees left. However, it does not stop children and they draw by themselves very creative leaves!

Later in the last part of the Ambassador speech, Magdalena showed us how everyone can get involved in Plant-for-the-Planet activities. You can inspire others by holding an Ambassador presentation, plant trees by yourselves, or choose to support one of the tree-planting projects worldwide on our App, organize a charity run, or an Info-Stand at your school. After that, we discussed together how we can continue being active in Dieue-Sur-Meuse with Plant-for-the-Planet after the Academy.
At end of this online Academy, all children were empowered as Climate Justice Ambassadors, teachers of Primare Publique school distributed Certificates.

Thanks to the support of the Fromagerie Henri Hutin Sarl in France we could organize two planting actions for this Academy, which unfortunately we must suit to the changing COVID-19 regulations. The first planting session took place on the 23rd of January on which our organizers planted 500 trees in the municipality of Dieue-Sur-Meuse! And on the next day after the online seminar, a symbolic planting session took place on which children planted a Ginko Biloba!
The Academy took place thanks to support of Fromagerie Henri Hutin Sarl and Hochland Deutschland Gmbh. We would like to thank our partners for their generous support of this Academy!
We would like to thank our Academy organizers from Fromagerie Henri Hutin Sarl: Erwan Mentre Alice Floquet, Eponine Chambry and also teachers of Ecole Primaire Publique: Isabelle Giacovelli, Cathy Mentre, Yannick Bergot, Bénédicte, who made this Academy possible!
Special thanks go to Andrea Kuhn, Academy organizer from Hochland Deutschland, to our speaker Magdalena and our Moderator – Emilia.
For more photos, please click here. Do you also want to become a Climate Justice Ambassador? Then register here for an Academy.