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November 1, 2022

Another successful Academy in Prague on October 14th 2022

Plant-for-the-Planet Czechia organized another successful Academy and welcomed 30 new Climate Justice Ambassadors into the community.

On October 14th 2022, the Plant-for-the-Planet Czech Republic Foundation organized another Academy. This one took place in a cozy and inspiring space of Skautský Institut in Prague in cooperation with the Chairman of Plant-for-the-Planet Czechia, Michal Horáček. Together with the children, we created an open environment for discussions, getting to know each other, and developing new ideas.

Thirty children became Climate Justice Ambassadors and are now ready to use their newly acquired knowledge to change the world for the better. In the first part of the program, the leading presentation was given by our talented Czech Climate Justice Ambassadors to explain the climate crisis, ecosystem restoration, and climate justice. One of the speakers was only eleven years old! After a fruitful discussion, a series of interactive workshops followed. The workshops focused on developing rhetorical skills and understanding climate justice through games.

photo of the group
Welcoming new Climate Justice Ambassadors in our worldwide network

Developing children’s projects and supporting their ideas is an important part of the Academy. This time, we were fortunate to welcome our international Ambassador, Udeh Chiagozie, to answer children’s questions and bring additional motivation. Udeh is a young Nigerian climate activist who facilitated meaningful global youth engagement in the international climate change processes and negotiations within the UNFCCC.

The Academy continued with the creation of a Rainforest in a Jar, which is not only a fun activity but also a great teaching tool to demonstrate different climate conditions and ecosystems. Children took their personally created terrariums back to their schools and now can observe the changes and take care of their piece of rainforest.

creation of a Rainforest in a Jar
Creation of a Rainforest in a Jar

After the final words, the children left as officially appointed Climate Justice Ambassadors, motivated to make an impact, and raise awareness about Plant-for-the-Planet, the climate crisis, and forest restoration as a critical part of fighting the climate crisis. We’re very happy that our global, as well as Czech, community is growing!

photo of the new climate justice ambassador
Officially appointed Climate Justice Ambassadors

All photos of the Academy day can be found here.

Do you also want to get engaged as a Climate Justice Ambassador for the Plant-for-the-Planet? Contact us: [email protected]