Last weekend, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed that aims to empower young people in the region to become Climate Justice Ambassadors and to raise awareness for environmental protection and safeguarding biodiversity through the restoration and conservation of forest ecosystems.
“The importance of environmental issues makes it absolutely necessary to develop environmental education projects that, in Tregnago, will involve schools,” explained Yves Gaspar (City Councilor in charge of Culture, Environment and Ecology), who was present at the meeting along with the Mayor, Simone Santellani, Prof. Michela Laita (Vice-Principal of the Tregnago Comprehensive Institute – Badia Calavena), and Stefano Cestaro of the Boscàja project.
Plant-for-the-Planet-Italia was represented by Daniela Saltarin (Vice President and Technical Director), Rosa Boncaldo (Board Member), and Mario Trevisan (Founder and President). Mario summarizes the meeting in Tregnago as follows:

“I am satisfied with the meeting held with some representatives of the Municipality of Tregnago and the Boscàja Association, at the end of which the desire to continue the collaboration with Plant-for-the-Planet Italia emerged, which began with the Memorandum of Understanding signed a month ago. The first success was the announcement of a training day on March 21st with the students of the comprehensive school of Tregnago and Badia Calavena and a subsequent Plant-for-the-Planet Academy”.
On this day, the participants will get to sink their hands into the earth and understand what it really means to become Climate Justice Ambassadors.
Copyright Header-Picture: Marta Bicego