“Adults are surprisingly similar to a bunch of monkeys” writes the internet newspaper the Huffington Post.
The Huffington Post was quoting Felix Finkbeiner’s speech at the UN general assembly, and in a profile of the organization’s founder concludes that, “Finkbeiner is no fool”. In other words, he knows what he’s talking about. We couldn’t agree more.
“Putting the environment at the heart of the curriculum”. The guardian.
The guardian’s Phoebe Doyle speaks to a teacher at a unique independent eco school in England – St Christopher School, Hertfordshire. The school is 100% vegetarian, teachers are on a first name basis only, and “the school is committed to creating mindful citizens, active members of the community, critical thinkers.”
No surprise then that the school was the first to host a Plant-for-the-Planet Academy in the UK back in 2011!
Teacher, Ian, says of the Academy, “The conference is a day of information, but also practical training in public speaking, planning and taking action. It’s empowering for young people and inspiring for adults to see”
You can also read St Christopher’s report of the Academy, if you haven’t already.