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December 2, 2019

The fourth academy in Ntolo, Cameroon!

The 4th Academy in Ntolo, Cameroon took place on the 8th October. On this wonderful day we had 60 children from 3 different schools who were all motivated to learn more about Plant-for-the-Planet.

The day started off with an opening speech held by the supervisor of the NTOLO center Mrs FOTUO Josette who welcomed all the participants and their parents and thanked Plant-for-the-Planet for what they are doing in terms of climate justice by planting trees.

The second speech was held by Felix NKAM, the coordinator, in order to present what Plant-for-the-Planet is and what goals they have set. Afterwards he presented the daily program.

One former ambassador presented the Plant-for-the-Planet speech and answered many questions the participants had. Then the moderator team started with the rhetoric training. They gave all the participants a chance to discover the power of speech and the effects of body language. After this they also practiced their new skills in front of their parents.

Finished and empowered by the workshop we all went to the planting site. In only one hour we planted 120 trees! When we got back from the park we continued with the program. We had a feedback round but also continued practicing the presentation.

At the end of the day every participant received their certificate and went home happily!

Find all the photos here!

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