Today we arrived in Dar es Salaam, where Journalists were already waiting for jus at the airport. From there we went straight to a big school, where 250 children from 5 different schools (Mkunazini, Darajani, Kisiwandui, Jangombe, Migombani) were already waiting for us. Everyone was very friendly and other children were always accompanying us. After Felix´s speech, which was translated by one of the teachers into Kiswahili, we planted 20 Mango trees in the school yard. In the end of the event we sung together and handed out the certificates.
In conversations with children and teachers we found out some astonishing, but also quite shocking things. We planted Mango trees, which will not only prevent erosion, bind CO2 and increase the fertility of the soil, but also provide for substantial nutrition. This is very important, since most people in Dar es Salaam are very poor. Teachers here only make 40-60 Euros per month, which of course is only sufficient for the basics.
Our travel diary: http://blog.plant-for-the-planet.org/