Global Board member Bagus learned about the possibility of organizing a Plant-for-the-Planet Academy in June. Just weeks later, at the end of September, his first Academy – and the first on Indonesia’s main island Jawa – became a reality.
At the “Green School” (Sekolah Adiwiyata in Indonesia) SMA 1 Kedamean near Surabaya, selected students from 6 different schools came together to learn about climate justice, plant trees and prepare their becoming Climate Justice Ambassadors. On the school grounds, fruit trees with name tags were planted. Beyond the fruits, they will also protect the soil against erosion, which was very apparent when planting – with deep cracks in the dried-out soil making walking difficult.
The area around Indonesia’s second-biggest city Surabaya is prone to flooding and will surely go underwater, if the Greenland Ice Sheet melts. One more reason for the new Ambassadors to brainstorm creative ways to tackle the issue!
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