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February 12, 2013

More than 2,000 children and volunteers of the initiative A tree in the heart planted the trees in Sicily and Rome in just 4 days!

In December 2012, children and volunteers of “Un albero nel cuore” (A tree in the heart) planted 4,000 trees in the cities of Caltanissetta and Palermo (Sicily) and Mentana (Rome). The planting took place at schools, public gardens, organic farms and property for private woodland.

As part of the activity, the roughly 2,000 participating children had the chance of attending four theatrical plays, and debates on the importance of planting trees and the protection of nature.

Alessio Riggi, coordinator of A tree in the heart, commented: “Some of the trees we planted have an average lifetime of 400 years. Planting one means changing the future of the region and the planet for good. We planted 4,000 in only 4 days!”.

A tree in the heart is a wonderful contribution to the reforestation process in Italy, drawing the attention of the global community to the fundamental role of trees for our own survival and for fighting against climate change by reducing greenhouse gases. Their goal is to be able to plant 100,000 trees every year in the center of Sicily.

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