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February 12, 2014

Academy in Porto Torres, in the Italian island of Sardinia

The 40 participants who attended the Academy on December 22nd, 2013, were hosted by the Climate Justice Ambassador Giovanni, member of Plant-for-the-Planet Children’s Board 2013/14.

For the last three months before the activity Giovanni and volunteers of the local environmental organization Walkingclass Factory organized lectures and presentations at schools and public meetings in order to inform about the Academy to students and citizens.

During the event, the new empowered Climate Justice Ambassadors came up with many original action plans as regards how to save energy, how to recycle and to carry out a differentiated waste collection… And particularly, the project of planting a large amount of trees at a large area used formerly as petrochemical site was born, with the purpose of “phytodepurating” this land.

Furthermore, 51 trees were planted together with parents and local politicians interested in contributing to Plant-for-the-Planet’s objectives.

The Academy was covered by local daily online newspapers, such as Alguer, Cagliari Oggi and Porto Torres24: http://notizie.portotorres24.it/n?id=65947

This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]