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October 2, 2014

The first academy in Kaesese, Uganda

After Plant-for-the-Planet expanded into various countries all over the world the children in Kaesese had the chance to attend an academy in their region for the first time as well. The academy brought five schools in Kaesese together. Therefore the academy involved 100 students and 15 adults including the headmaster of the host school, parents, political leaders, the moderators Masereka Landus and Benuza Jane and three media persons.

The children were informed about the climate transition by Isaac Sinamakosa, the coordinator. Questions were raised for further understanding, group work and action plans developed and two pupils gave a presentation on climate crisis and Plant-for-the-Planet. Immediately teachers, parents, children and other participants started planting trees, with great success: 100 trees were planted at Kaesese Primary school. The Training that started at 9:15am ended at 5:10pm with a hand-over of certificate and book to each of the climate justice ambassadors and some teachers by the Kaesese Municipal council Deputy speaker, Hon.

Many thanks to all participants and coordinators making this event possible. Now the children look forward to help saving the world step by step!

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