What is it like to be a Climate Justice Ambassador? Is it fun to give speeches? Aren't the children who do so very nervous? Miku from Japan, 12 years old, tells more about being a Climate Justice Ambassador in this video. Furthermore, Miku gave an interview for UN Youth Flash Newsletter in June.
She met Al Gore, gave a speech in front of the President of Zambia, made visits to politicians and ministers in Japan and Zambia to introduce our activities and to take “Stop talking. Start planting” campaign photos, and stimulated several schools in Zambia to establish environmental clubs.
Miku trained as Plant-for-the-Planet Climate Justice Ambassador when she was nine years old. To date, she has lived in six countries due to the nature of her father’s job, including Ethiopia, Japan, Thailand, Australia, US and Zambia.
Any child can become Climate Justice Ambassador by joining one of our Academies (they are for free!). Adults who would like to support children like Miku can become patrons or help us with a donation to train even more children.