![Featured image for “60 new Ambassadors in Côte d’Ivoire”](https://blog.plant-for-the-planet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/d32fe420-20180519-ac-sinfra-12-scaled.jpg)
The children were waiting in the schoolyard early on Saturday morning. No one wanted to miss the start of the Academy. Altogether 60 children from 10 different schools attended the academy in Lycee HKB of Sinfra. The Academy was made possible by organization committee and some volunteers who came to support our action.The school board supported the setting up of the logistics and power supply. Without forgetting the parents who accompanied their children with fresh water and food. All these actions were supervised and well-coordinated by Mister Zokou Herve the program coordinator.
In the conference room the attention of the children turned to Konan Oliver, who gave the presentation. This presentation covered source of CO2, the global warming, the photosynthesis and the climate crisis. After a brilliant presentation by power point some children expressed some concerns about the CO2 emissions and others about the photosynthesis. All the children were satisfied by the solution to their preoccupations.
After break with refreshment the children were divided into four groups to learn about distribution and justice. Playing figures, candy and balloons as symbols of the world’s population, wealth and co2 respectively. In the game the children understood most of the origin of CO2, the illegal distribution of wealth and the effect of the climate chance suffered by the poor countries.
The planting party was the most awaited part because it mobilized and attracted more the attention of guests and the press. Before the planting commenced, the forester explains to the children the importance of trees to reduce the CO2, when and how to plant trees. With shovel and machete they planted their symbols trees. 100 trees in over 60 minutes have been planted. At the end of the planting party the new Ambassadors were proud to add something to humanity. All were in joy that day.
After a short break the children joined the classrooms. In working groups they reflected on the following topics.
«How do we organize a planting party?», «How do we ensure that the media reports about us?», «How do we motive the adult, friends and classmates?» With responsibility and commitment solutions were brought.
With the evening presentation, the outcomes of the work was presented to the guests, friends and parents. At the end of the ceremony, congratulatory words were given to all the new Ambassadors from the mayor Vami Moise of Sinfra. Everybody was proud of their certificate and t-shirts in front of their parents, friends and guests. They gave the certainty to put into practice what they have learned in this Academy.
Special thanks to all the participants, particularly the mayor Vami Moise of Sinfra and those involved in this wonderful Academy.
You can find more photos in our flickr album.
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