It was fun! An Educative and nice event as another set of Climate Justice Ambassadors were trained.
The event commenced at 9: 30 am. The Program Coordinator welcomed all the participants and introduced his teammates. In his opening remark, Prince eulogized the participants for coming despite the fact that they were already on holidays. Mrs Adewumi, one of the guests, proprietor of one of the participating schools, explained that she made it compulsory to attend the academy so as to learn more about the foundation and the climate crisis as well as to motivate her students.
Afterwards, Climate Justice Ambassador Akinrinola Grace welcomed other colleagues, she spoke briefly about the actvities she run in her school and her experienced as a Climate Justice Ambassador. She proceeded talking about the green house gases, the adverse effects of Co2, and the causes and effects of climate change which she classified in natural and human induced activities. She also referred at deforestation and the use of fossil fuels as major causes of climate change and made mention of the effects of climate change such as floodings, displacements, famine and its adverse effects on human health. Akinrinola spoke about the concepts of climate justice and concluded on how the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative started in Germany.
Later on, Prince Olawyui, the Program Coordinator, spoke about the major causes of climate change and the expected roles of the Climate Justice Ambassadors. He spoke about the climatic changes experienced in Nigeria especially in the Northern parts of the country. He also referred to the adverse effects on farming and the farmers in Nigeria.
A few questions were asked from the participants, namely: ‘Where to get seeds for planting? How to have a Tree planting club that had large numbers of students in the state? Can we launch Radio and Television programs to sensitize the community members on the needs to plant more trees? The Program Coordinator answered all the questions.
Other activities during the Academy included the „World game“, „Tree planting“ and „World Café“. During the „World Café“ the participants identified the needs to plant more trees at Ayegun community. They agreed to form a Tree planting club and agreed to appeal to their school managers to join them in reaching out the community members so to plant more trees. Besides, they agreed to have a joint meeting in the new academy meeting in which they would plan for Community Tree Planting event.
The participating school’ owners, teachers and other guests witnessed and took part in the presentation of certificates to the new Climate Justice Ambassadors while Prince Olawuyi said the closing remarks, he thanked the participating schools for their support and congratulated the newly ambassadors. The event came to an end at 5pm
In order to see the rest of the pictures from the Academy click here! And if you would also like to became a Climate Justice Ambassador, apply through this site.