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Climate Justice Ambassadors Dalinka and Luciano at “Nariño por el Clima”

Between the 6th and 9th June the international conference of young people on climate crisis “Nariño por el Clima” took place in Pasto, Colombia. 90 people (of 300 applicants) – not only from Colombia, but also special guests from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Ecuador – participated at the Conference/gathered here together. The conference had the purpose to gather and further empower young activists so they could learn from each other, better understand the climate negotiations at COPs and build partnerships to improve their local actions and campaigns on climate change.

Our climate justice ambassador Darinka held a presentation on the first day (6th June) about her trajectory as a way to inspire other young people present at the event and to demonstrate how Plant-for-the-Planet helped into this process of empowering her actions. In order to demonstrate how to develop actions with positive impact on education, children and their communities our climate justice ambassador Luciano talked about his experience in Brazil with Plant-for-the-Planet.

With both presentations, Darinka and Luciano were able to inform the young people and organizations about Plant-for-the-Planet,  the climate crisis and sustainable development in Latin America, especially in Colombia.

If you want to follow more activities of our Brazilian and Mexican office, follow the links.


This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact media@plant-for-the-planet.org