On December 16th seventy students from seven schools attended the Plant-for-the-Planet Academy in Tinkune, Kathmandu. The Academy was started by the ice breaking session as the introductory part of the program where students got the chance to get to know all the participants.
After that, the session was handed over to Climate Justice Ambassadors Sandesh Ghimire and Sudeep Ghimire who gave the presentation "Now we save children the world!”. Sandesh Ghimire had been educated as Climate Justice Ambassador at the Academy in Kathmandu in 2015.
Their presentation covered various topics such as the sources of CO2, global warming, the photosynthesis, the climate crisis, Plant-for-the-Planet and global justice. These topics were presented in a way suitable for children. In the subsequent question and answer session, the children had the opportunity to eliminate any ambiguities they might still have had.
The children were divided into three groups to learn about global distribution and justice in the World Game. The children distributed playing figures, candy and balloons on the world maps laid out on the tables as symbols of the world’s population, wealth and CO2 emissions respectively. They found out that there is a very unequal distribution globally – which is obviously not fair. After talking about the sources of the observed inequalities, the kids distributed the CO2 emissions and wealth fairly – because everyone has equal rights.
After the World Game, the students were taken to the canteen for the lunch during which they also had the opportunity to talk about what they had already learned.
After lunch, the children were taught about the basic Public Speaking tips. They were given some slots from the opening presentation that they had seen at the start of the day and then tried to present it to their friends. They gave each other tips on how to improve their presentations in the future.
The students were divided into school groups to make their specific action plans for the future. Some of the groups even discussed the questions of the Word Café. They had a huge group discussion and finally came up with their plans. After every school had made their plans, each school group presented their ideas to everyone in the hall.
After a long, eventful, and enjoyable day, all 70 participants received their certificates, which recognized them as Climate Justice Ambassadors. An interesting day had come to an end. Apart from the experience and newly found knowledge, all new Ambassadors took a Certificate, Tree by Tree Book and of course the Plant-for-the-Planet T-shirt home with them. Teachers, Friends, organizers and guests were very impressed by the performance of the children.
We would like to thank all those involved in this wonderful day. Special Thanks goes to host school for helping to organize the successful Academy. Thanks to the dedicative commitment of NASA School and all the teachers and management team of the school this Academy could take place. Not to be forgotten the many helpers and supporters, without whom this day would not have been possible.
You also want to become a Climate Justice Ambassador? Then check out here for an Academy in your region.