It’s like a pre-Christmas present! On the 3rd December our workers planted the 5 millionth tree on our foundations own property. However we only noticed as we read the planting report for this day. That’s why we can’t exactly tell which of the many trees that were planted that day, it was. Our guess is a trumpet tree (Maculis) or an American mahogany (Caoba). These are the trees we’ve been planting the most of recently, read for yourself in our daily report:
Either way, how the 5 millionth looks is not that important. What really counts the most is that our forest in Mexico is getting bigger and bigger. And that’s only because of all the donors supporting us. So thanks to all of you for this great news, that we wanted to share with you.
While the nature is already hibernating here our farm in Mexico is going on high tours. It’s planting season! Planting a tree about every 15 seconds our workers are really busy.
By the way: the first trees we planted in Yucatán four years ago already grew to a height of over four meters! It is fascinating us every time how fast and healthy the trees grow there.
In order for our success to continue we’re always happy to receive further donations. We still have space for more trees! Until 2030 over 100 Million trees shall form a new forest at our planting ground. So keep it up!
How about a tree-gift for Christmas for your friends and family?