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April 11, 2013

Plant-for-the-Planet Academy on the day of Earth Houvere

23 March was coincidentally the day when millions across the globe observed Earth Hour. Kehkashan chose this day for the academy to raise consciousness about conservation to a new level. During the first Academy in Dubai, 64 new Ambassadors joined Plant-for-the-Planet. Some of these active Climate Justice Ambassadors were instrumental in conducting this latest academy in the UAE.

The turnout of this academy exceeded all expectations and was much higher than the inaugural academy. In fact, a much larger venue was needed! Local sponsors supported Khekashan’s youth organisation,Green Hope UAE, in moving to a larger venue, the prestigious Taj Palace Hotel, to accommodate all the participants. After introductions and the ice breaker, the group embarked on the most important activity of the day – tree planting.


A new record was set:
– 100 saplings planted in one day .

The happy and satisfied group of tree planters, thereafter, plunged enthusiastically into a presentation which dealt with the founding history and philosophy of Plant-for-the-Planet . They learnt about climate change, greenhouse gases, carbon footprints and how a simple activity like planting a tree can positively impact the survival of our planet.

This was followed by the popular World Café sessions . The first session was an interactive quiz on the environment . This was followed by a unique Art from Waste session where groups were given various waste products, such as cans, CDs, cardboard boxes, plastic bottles  and newspapers and they created models out of them with environmental messages.


Green Hope believes in the power of music as a medium of expression and as in the inaugural Plant-for-the-Planet academy, group members composed and rendered a song on the theme of Climate Justice.

The lyrics are as below :
The Song for Climate Justice
Do your bit for Climate Justice,
Save our planet from doom
Save water and plant more trees,
Don’t wait anymore, act soon.

It’s time for change now,
Join us and act now,
For a better tomorrow,
For  all.

Earth Hour isn’t just one day,
Change habits and make them stay
Spread the word and hold sway,
For a clean, green future for all.

It’s time for change now,
Join us and act now,
For a better tomorrow ,
For  all.

The academy concluded with the certificate presentation ceremony and a group photograph. The academy lasted seven hours, but all the participants were unanimous in their opinion that it was the most engrossing and enjoyable workshop they had attended.

Khekashan’s youth organisation, Green Hope UAE has now organised two Plant-for.the-Planet Academies in Dubai, inducting in total over 150 Climate Justice Ambassadors in the UAE and has vowed to carry on its mission of creating awareness about climate justice by spreading its message with Plant-for-the-Planet’s slogan, “STOP TALKING, START PLANTING”.



This article is over a year old and may not reflect latest facts and figures. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]