Venue: Phoenix Education Centre, Durban
Adress: 3 Spire Street, Stonebridge, Phoenix
100 children age 13-15
Welcome and greetings (9:00)
Competition briefing
Presentation by Shraddha Rajcoomar- The Right Climate For Change
Grade 10 learner
Address by guest speaker (Felix and Friends, Plant-for-the-Planet Campaign)
Learner performances
Tea break (10:30 )
Learner performances
Lunch (12:30)
Learner performances
Vote of thanks
Presentation of awards (14:00)
World Café and Ambassador Pledge (14:45)
Contact: Ms. Kritisha Rajcoomar, sanjayraj AT vodamail . co . za
Note: We wish to have Felix inspire these youngsters and in his talk focus on the link (plant to help the climate crisis). We would love for him to serve as a judge as well on that day.
As far as possible, we will be updating our travel blog on site continuously, so you can all get the latest news hot off the press. You’ll be able to find reports, pictures, videos, press releases and just generally interesting and exciting notifications. Obviously we’ll keep facebook updated with the latest information, so tell all your friends, too!
Our travel diary: http://blog.plant-for-the-planet.org/
Damit ihr alle immer auf dem Laufenden seid, werden wir – soweit es vor Ort möglich ist – in unserem Reisetagebuch alles dokumentieren. Im Reisetagebuch findet ihr Berichte, Bilder, Videos, Pressemeldungen und alles, was sonst noch spannend ist. Auch über facebook gibt es immer die neuesten Infos – erzählt auch Euren Freunden davon.
Unser Reisetagebuch: http://blog.plant-for-the-planet.org/