The software company Symantec is supporting the children of Plant-for-the-Planet, by making possible the first Academy in Barcelona, which takes place at the Vision 2012 Conference at Barcelona’s International Convention Centre (CCIB).
As part of the Academy, the children will deal with the issues of climate crisis, global citizenship and distributive justice. They will learn about what each individual can achieve by receiving rhetoric training to enable them to give presentations and to plan their first own actions.
On November 12th, 2012 up to 80 children will be trained as new Ambassadors for Climate Justice, taking active responsibility for saving our future. A day later, with the representatives of Symantec and of the CCIB, a tree will be planted in front of the Convention Centre as a symbol for climate justice.
During the three-day Vision 2012 Conference pledges to plant trees will be collected. We hope that many participants pledge trees! If you too want to pledge trees, you can do so between the 13th and 15th of November, 2012 under pledge.plant-for-the-planet.org