On 23 November 2012 the children of Plant-for-the-Planet welcomed the first Climate Justice Ambassadors from Uganda. The tireless efforts of Ben Bataringaya and his team at Ugandan NGO, COVOID, helped make the very first Plant-for-the-Planet in Uganda a great success. In addition to the 87 new Ambassadors for Climate Justice, it was attended by the head of the Rubirizi district and other district leaders, teachers, religious leaders, the media, and representatives from government institutions, the WWF and other NGOs.
The Academy took place at the Mushangi Primary School and every new Ambassador for Climate Justice planted a tree. The children held up signs that read “there’s no Planet B”, and made Stop talking. Start planting pictures.
After taking part in the World Café, and giving their presentations, the new Climate Justice Ambassadors worked together and set out their own action plans:
– To immediately set-up environment clubs with the duty of planting trees and to monitor their growth.
– To fight for environmental protection
– To give presentations to fellow children about the climate crisis and the need to plant trees.
The National Forestry Authority’s John Bosco noted that “children are the owners of this world so they need to spearhead the campaign of conserving it”. COVOID’s Ben Bataringaya empahsised the importance of the children’s duties, urging them not to become “climate INjustice ambassadors”.
The children of Plant-for-the-Planet couldn’t agree more.
The children empower each other at Plant-for-the-Planet Academies and at the end are appointed Ambassadors for Climate Justice. The Academies are only possible thanks to donations. Help more children to get active like the 87 new Climate Justice Ambassadors in Uganda. Every little counts. You can donate here.