From now on our audience no longer has to follow any utopia of children and youth but has to fulfill the goal of the most powerful industrial countries.
In all our presentations, speech, talks we now have to start with the Promise of Elmau. We have to quote the goal of the heads of government of the seven most powerful states of this planet. In a second sentence we can address our audience and ask what this means for them. What do they have to do to reach this goal.
When the G7 leaders got together on June 7th to 8th 2015 in Elmau, Germany, they made a historic agreement. The joint communique from the leaders of Japan, Germany, the US, UK, Canada, Italy and France reaffirms their commitment to the internationally agreed target of limiting warming to less than 2C above pre-industrial levels. It also reiterates their commitment to deep cuts in emissions by 2050.
The group of rich countries G7 took over the 2nd point of our 3-point-plan by committing to the long-term goal of decarbonising the global economy over the course of this century:
2) Leave the fossil fuels in the ground
We absolutely need to get our CO2 emissions levels down to zero by 2050. The technology for such a CO2-free future already exists. With today’s engineering capabilities we can easily make the transition to 100% renewable energy (without the need for nuclear power) by 2050.
For our future strategy it is important to keep in mind that the new mainstream is now to leave the fossil fuels in the ground. We are now sailing with the wind and need to ensure that the bailouts for coal, oil and gas is accelerated and stable.