From the 21th of May to the 5th of June 2016, six Plant-for-the-Planet Academies took place in Ghana.
During this six Academies, 480 children from 60 schools in Ghana became Climate Justice Ambassadors and planted over 140 trees overall.
The first Academy in Jirapa, Upper West Region of Ghana, at the 21th of May. In total 80 children from 10 schools attended this Academy and graduated to Climate Justice Ambassadors. During the planting session 45 Acacia trees were planted. This was actually the first Academy in Jirapa.
Click here for Pictures of Academy Jirapa
One day later, at the 22th of May, another Academy took place in Nandom, Upper West Region of Ghana. There attended also 80 children from 10 schools and in total they planted 50 Acacia trees. It was also the first Academy in Nandom.
Click here for pictures of Academy Nandom
Another three days later, on the 25th of May, another 80 children from 10 schools attended the Plant-for-the-Planet Academy in Wa in the Upper West Region of Ghana. They planted 17 Acacia trees.
Click here for pictures of Academy Wa
The fourth Academy took place in Lawra, Upper West Region of Ghana, on the 28th of May. Like in the other Academies, the full number of 80 participants from 10 schools (8 students from each) appeared on this first Academy in Lawra. A total of 10 Acacia trees was planted.
Click here for pictures of Academy Lawra
Another 80 children from 10 schools attended the fifth Academy occurred on the 4th of June in Gushegu, Northern Region of Ghana. The kids planted 10 Terminalia trees.
Click here for pictures of Academy Gushegu
One day later, the last Academy took place in Sawla, Northern Region, Ghana. It was the first Academy in this district, too. A total of 15 Umbrella trees was planted by the 80 children from 10 schools.
Click here for pictures of Academy Sawla