The first Academies in Bogotá, Columbia, took place on February, 23, 2019 and on September, 6, 2019. Children from different schools took part. The Academies were supported by the Ga`Manobi Foundation and Bogotá’s mayor´s office with the personal of the Tunjo Wetland.
The activities were adapted to the location: Although the there was no beamer, the participants were able to learn a lot.
At first, the children discovered the history of Plant-for-the-Planet with the help of some pictures and keywords. The speakers explained to the group the meaning of climate justice and the young generation’s role in fighting the climate crisis.
Then, the children simulated the greenhouse effect in a creative way. They had to play roles such as the atmosphere (children standing in a circle, holding hands), the sun, and heat particles. Afterwords, every child had to explain its role. Using the book “Tree for Tree”, the participants had a look at the examples of different countries in terms of climate justice. Then, they were divided into groups, each representing one country, analysed development levels and carbon footprints and negotiated how to reduce these.
Later the children had the opportunity to take action for their future right away: They went to plant trees! In addition, they recieved information on how to plant trees, when to plant them and how to take care of them.
Lastly, each participant designed a compromise for his or her community to fight the climate crisis, using just one sheet of paper. The children presented their ideas.
The new Climate Justice Ambassadors had a really inspiring day and will hopefully realise all their plans to go on fighting for climate justice!
Do you want to become a Climate Justice Ambassador? Enroll now for the next Academy in your Area!