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January 22, 2020

Plant-For-The-Planet Hungary Is Growing!

Plant-for-the-Planet Hungary is growing! In this Academy we went a bit further again and met the kids in the northern part of Hungary. That was the farthest point so far for us.

An amazingly enthusiastic local, Edina Simon was the soul of this Academy. She was the one who helped us out in nearly every aspect. So we were able to travel just once into the venue of the Academy what was in the middle of a forest in a beautiful place.

Kids from five schools in the area attended this Academy. Together they received seedlings and trees, which they planted together.

Altogether this day was a wonderful Academy day! Listening to the presentation “Now we children save the world” the attending students first learned something about Plant-for-the-Planet in general.

After a short lunch break with snacks, fruits and juices supplied by local people, the Academy went on. In the following World Game the children learned more about the global distribution of wealth, CO2 emissions and population. Respective of these categories they placed things like candy and balloons on a world map.

Afterwards everybody went outside and we planted some trees!

For the final task the participants should think of project ideas in order to support Plant-for-the-Planet in the future. Then everybody finally received their certificate which officially made them Climate Justice Ambassadors.

The city is planning some tree planting in the near future where our little Ambassadors can participate.

All photos taken that day can be found here.
You want to  become a Climate Justice Ambassadors yourself? No problem, sign up for one of the next Academys here.