Featured image for “PlantAhead – A Trillion Trees to Fight the Climate Crisis”

November 17, 2017

PlantAhead – A Trillion Trees to Fight the Climate Crisis

Join the most ambitious reforestation project in history ...

Featured image for “The sweetest invitation to save the climate at COP23”

November 5, 2017

The sweetest invitation to save the climate at COP23

At the UN Climate Confernce in Bonn, we distribute chocolate to spread a message ...

Featured image for “End Coal & Start a Clean Energy Future”

November 4, 2017

End Coal & Start a Clean Energy Future

In Bonn, we protested against coal and for renewable energies ...

Featured image for “Climate Justice Ambassadors at COP23 in Bonn”

November 2, 2017

Climate Justice Ambassadors at COP23 in Bonn

What we’ll do during the Climate Conference ...

Featured image for “Earth Care Award for Plant-for-the-Planet”

September 25, 2017

Earth Care Award for Plant-for-the-Planet

The honorable Sierra Club awarded us ...

Featured image for “Hero Award for Plant-for-the-Planet: Best Youth Act 2017”

June 27, 2017

Hero Award for Plant-for-the-Planet: Best Youth Act 2017

In Monaco, Felix Met Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oscar Arias Sanchez ...

Featured image for “A Life as a Climate Justice Ambassador”

June 27, 2017

A Life as a Climate Justice Ambassador

Miku from Japan Tells in a Video About Her Activites ...

Featured image for “Climate Justice Ambassadors are suing the US”

November 9, 2015

Climate Justice Ambassadors are suing the US

More than twenty Climate Justice Ambassadors across the United States of America are suing states and the Federal ...

Featured image for “Successful in Switzerland: Julia, Franziska und Niklas”

June 11, 2015

Successful in Switzerland: Julia, Franziska und Niklas

One DSM Day in Kaiseraugst, Basel ...

Featured image for “Bye, bye, Oil, Coal and Gas”

June 8, 2015

Bye, bye, Oil, Coal and Gas

“Leave it in the ground” is the new mainstream! ...

Featured image for “Handing over the Manifesto of the Youth”

June 2, 2015

Handing over the Manifesto of the Youth

Climate justice ambassadors visited Embassies in Berlin ...

Featured image for “Plant-for-the-Planet Youth Summit 2015 – Press Release and Material”

June 1, 2015

Plant-for-the-Planet Youth Summit 2015 – Press Release and Material

The press report of our Manifesto in different languages with pictures and videos ...

Featured image for “Plant-for-the-Planet Youth Summit 2015”

May 24, 2015

Plant-for-the-Planet Youth Summit 2015

Get the News abouth the Youth Summit Event Now ...

Featured image for “Youth Summit 2015”

May 21, 2015

Youth Summit 2015

Achim Steiner’s (UNEP Executive Director) welcome message to the youth ...

May 14, 2015

Lucknow girl heads for Germany event

LUCKNOW: City girl Yugratna Srivastava, a first year student of electronics and communication engineering at the Indian Institute ...